Friday, November 13, 2015

Part 2: Supporting Children with Third Eye Ability

Aloha!  Welcome back!

I would like to continue supporting readers with understanding children with third eye ability especially if their your own.  If you are reading this, there is a possibility that you have encountered some experiences that may feel unusual or maybe uncomfortable to you.  I hope to help you gain some insights that will bring greater awareness instead of fear of the unknown. I am also including a simple practice that can help you transform your discomfort and also open your heart to the possibilities of a greater resource than most of us are unaware of.  

Now with training and in hindsight, Iʻm quite amazed how we are scared into a place of shutting down our gift of vision or sight to connect with our guides and spiritual fathers and mothers who have been with us for lifetimes.  The seer, psychic, or medicine man/woman is revered in some cultures while feared in others.  Why is that?  Most of the time, what we watch on television or videos brings a fear factor that shuts us down.  Why would we want to experience darkness?  Iʻm with you on that point.  However, what we are closed from is the light that surrounds each one of us.  For some, the light gets almost completely shut out and the result becomes a very unhappy soul.  

The truth of the matter is that when we are all born, we all have the ability to see and hear the Divine and the light ones who guide us.  I do not believe anyone is exempt from this.  If you watch a baby, they will watch you intensely.  As they grow you may even catching them playing often with no care in the world that you are there.  One of my children was literally an alarm for where not to go.  He would cry and cry when I would walk into a business or environment. When I removed us from that place, he would settle down quickly.  I started to tap into my own feelings and gage the frequency of the energy I was walking into and realized my child was doing me a great service.   Itʻs quite fascinating when you are open to the possibilities.  We all accept the cooing of a baby and babbling that they do even when there isnʻt anyone present.  What tends to happen over time is that "imaginary friends" come into play.  We may see our children around the age of 4-6 holding conversations while no one is in the room.   Societal norms start to set in and our judgments begin and create unkind thoughts.  I would watch my children play for hours alone with their toys.   I remember checking in from time to time and they were still individually content in their own world that they had created. While I write this I remember my own childhood doing this same thing.  We may identify it as imagination or creativity.  If you do, good for you!   It wasnʻt until much later when one child had the ability to articulate what they were seeing and who they were speaking to.  This is when my negative mindsets started to set in.  This child would come to me often explaining to me about these beautiful female beings that play with her and give her information.  The information wasnʻt hurtful or harmful however, it kept occurring more and more which began to scare me to a small but significant degree.  I would ask questions of this child and receive more and more information, yet still, it made me uncomfortable.  I really didnʻt know how to handle it.  I reflected on myself as being open minded and fairly knowledgeable about this topic as my grandmother also had this gift, however, without someone to help me understand, all kinds of thoughts began to enter my mind!  Fortunately, right around that time, I met Dr & Master Shaʻs Worldwide Representatives and Divine Channels Master Pamela Uyeunten and Master Diane Fujio.  They helped me to see the light and connect with the Divine.  My child was connected with the soul world and her advanced ability is what was either going to grow with my help or become squashed.  I chose the light.  This opened up an entire world of how to support my youngest children and to allow them to be in purity for as long as possible without my fears or blocks getting in the way.  Unlike what Kuʻulei went through,  they would not have to have fear to use their gifts and give information that they were receiving to support their lives and that of our family.  
I now hear from other professionals including doctors, high level corporate business people, teachers, healers, and more how they had these abilities as young people and were demonized because they "knew things" in advance of the events occurring, or they could see light beings or darkness around people, in their bodies, or even in the environment.  For some it may be a feeling of hurt or sickness when they are in a place.  It could be similar to what my child experienced and would alert us to. I have been told of situations of how parents of these gifted ones were scared of them, how they were put on drugs to make them "normal," or stories of being put under psychological care even though they were physically and emotionally well.  The stories that were shared gave me a sense that there was such hurt feelings as if these adults as children were abnormal, weird, or strange. We can all relate to moments in our lives that we "felt" negative vibrations or tones from our loved ones.  Most of us settle into the "norm" so to avoid this feeling.  My studies of human rights and indigenous peoples of the world helps me to be clear that in these cultures more often than not,  a child like this would more than likely have been treated as "gifted and talented."  They would be nurtured to develop higher level of connection.  Their adult life would serve in the capacity of a high level counselor or advisory position to support the leadership based on their accuracy and purity.  My advanced learning tells me that our karma places us in these situations and that all the people who shared with me are incredible servants of humanity.  Their suffering, my experiences, allow us to join together to teach others so that we can achieve our truest potential.  

Today, I work with each of my youngest children on their own abilities.  We start and or end each day with tracing of the Love, Peace, and Harmony Calligraphy.  This calligraphy was created by Master Sha and holds incredible support for anything my children request.  They are being taught that they have the power to heal themselves and others with their own ability, the gifts that the Divine has given them, and the presence of their ancestors, their guides and guardians, and their team in Heaven.  This tracing of the calligraphy sets them in a different pattern for the day.  They have a tendency to be more focused, more willing to participate and empowered to select what they will engage in with their studies and have more compassion towards each other.  Like many of us, there are times that there is resistance however, when they make a request, especially for those who are in need of healing, they are beginning to see patterns of positive results.  When their request results in rapid healing or a significant blessings is received out of the blue my children are beginning to connect the successes of their tracing or healings. The goals is to help them understand Master Shaʻs teaching, "I have the power to heal myself, you have the power to heal yourself, together we have the power to heal the world." Another part of the goal is to hear no polluted words, see no polluted things, and speak no polluted thoughts.  This is easier said than done however, we are consciously striving to meet this task for ourselves as adults and for the children.  In my heart, the purity of a child and their connection to the Divine needs to be maintained for as long as we can assist them.  This doesnʻt mean sheltering or smothering them but what I do believe is that when there is exposure to things less than Divine, we teach them gently as weʻve been taught.

1. Say Thank you!: Recognize the error or mistake and thank the Divine for allowing you to see it so to transform it. 

2. Ask for Forgiveness: Sincerely ask for forgiveness from the Divine, Jesus, the Buddhas and or any other light ones that you connect with. We have lifetimes of negative deeds that contribute to our conditions.  This is an important practice that you may find doing often.  Thatʻs ok, we all do!

3.  Ask the Divine and all holy ones for transformation of the situation, issue, or challenge.  

4. Chant! (Explained below)  

I do believe we are in a different era that requires a more focused, simple, yet concentrated effort to create human beings that are holding light and love for the world, for humanity, and all souls.  We see, voluntarily watch, and participate in actions that are knowingly and unknowingly harmful to others.  There are powers in the world that are contributing to this behavior however, we get caught up in them so easily.  If we are not able to hold this light for our children, our family, our friends, what will become of them?   I see this generation of children in a different role; to generate a different action for the world through their own thoughts and actions.  We as their parents and like minded adults need to provide genuine support to help them, wherever they are at to develop their heart intelligence, soul intelligence, and mind intelligence.  How do we do this?  Start with bringing more Love, Peace, and Harmony into your home.  This has been a tremendous tool for my family. The song lyrics is:

I love my heart and soul,
I love all humanity,
Join hearts and souls together,
Love, Peace, and Harmony,
Love, Peace, and Harmony

Download the soul song Love, Peace, and Harmony to your computer.  You can find it at   This song contains Divine and Source frequency that has transformed my household, my own thoughts and heart to be more positive and loving, my environment, even my cellular structure! (Look into Dr. Masaru Emotoʻs research on Messages in Water Iʻm not stressed like I used to be and naturally transform my issues with this song. My teacher and Spiritual Father, Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha teaches a simple one sentence secret, "what you chant is what you become."  This is sound power and is one of the four powers including body power, soul power, and mind power as part of the four power techniques.  Listen to this song over and over again.  Allow yourself to be in love with your life, in love with your environment, in love with humanity.  I know you will start to see subtle changes or maybe huge ones! 

Now, I would like to lead you through this short practice.  Apply the four power technique to whatever situation you need to be transformed.  It may be your health, your relationships, your finances, family harmony, and so on. 

Body Power: sit up with your back away from the chair or wherever youʻre sitting.  Feet flat on the floor or crossed in a lotus or half lotus position.  If you are lying down, be as straight and in alignment from head to toe as possible.  Standing up straight is also wonderful.

Soul Power: (say Hello!) Dear my soul, and the soul of (your request), a I love you, honor you, and appreciate you, you have the power to heal yourself. Do a good job!  Thank you! Dear the soul song of Love, Peace, and Harmony, I love you.  Please bless me and my request for healing.  Thank you!

Mind Power: visualize golden light filling the area you are needing healing.  If it is a relationships or finances, see this light radiating between the persons involved, with your bills, your account and so on.

Sound Power: begin to sing Love, Peace, and Harmony.  While laying down, sing silently as this will prevent you from losing energy. (You may also play the song while you are singing silently.) 

Do this practice for at least 10 minutes a day.  The longer you do this practice the faster the results could come.  

For Children:  I started my children off slow.  You can start with 2-5 minutes and work up to a longer time frame depending upon their age and experience with meditation.  Dancing and movement can be their meditation.  They can still request for something they want with initial focus of light in the area being requested.  Iʻm usually amazed of what my children ask for.  They observe more closely than we may be aware.  Iʻve become to truly understand how much they care about your welfare and want to nurture us if they are allowed to.  

Serve others: A very simple way to serve others is to give them a CD and tell them of your experiences.  I am currently working with a first grade teacher who has put this song in her classroom.  After two weeks she has noticed that her children are more calm, less explosive episodes, they are singing the song without prompting, and sheʻs not "losing it" by the end of the day.  

I end this blog with this thought.  We were all created in the image of the Divine, God.  We are still this being yet have collided with our own blockages (karma) that keeps us from reaching our absolute highest potential.  We have the power to heal ourselves!  The simple techniques shared are valuable lessons Iʻve learned from my beloved teacher and have been supported through my own cultural traditions and the values taught to me by my parents and grandmother.  Let us grow our light and expand this light beyond the reaches of the world and allow our children to do the same while also helping them to be respectful and loving to others, serve to create healthier and happier communities, and nurture Mother Earth and souls. We can, please join me!  

Love you, Love you, Love you......

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you..... 

Please feel free to share your thoughts and practices to support the health and well being of others who read this blog.  We are one.....

Aloha and see you next time!

Master Malia

*Practices and expanded learning can be done through the more than 20 books Dr & Master Sha has written for many areas of our lives.  You can go to or any other online bookstore to find these titles.  I am happy to guide you if you are in search of a specific area of your life to focus on.  Aloha!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Supporting Children with Third Eye Ability

Aloha and welcome!

I’m blessed to have had five children born to this Earth.  For anyone who has children, you quickly realize that they have their own personalities and certainly their own mission, purpose in life.  My family is no different.  What I didn’t realize is that our lives would take a very different path from what is traditionally expected or experienced in many families.  The path of recognizing a spiritual journey and living within that connection has given us greater ability and a power to support any challenges with confidence and to help our extended family, our friends, and community by placing very basic practices into all that we do.

My eldest son, Hanale was a twin and his twin died in utero.  Various events led to his becoming severely disabled by the third month of his life.  This disability however, started to develop my own sense of what was needed as my child was unable to communicate verbally.  I consider Hanale my professor in this lifetime.  My second child Kahiwaonalani, a daughter, brought great service and love to my life.  She is to this day, very loving and shows continued support and concern for her family.  Her gift of direct knowing has been incredibly valuable to us.  She is wise beyond her years and still is able to maintain a pure quality in her nature that she is many a time unaware of. Kuʻuleimoanikeʻala came next.  From when she was a baby, she was attracted to my Hoʻoponopono (Hawaiian practice for making things correct, relationships right, balanced, and in flow) book.  I still have her pen drawing on some of the pages.  Kuʻulei is the child who opened the door for this subject and for our family’s journey with Dr. & Master Sha.  Following Kuʻulei came Kamanaʻopono and Heather (Kamakaokala).  They came much later in my years however, their individual personalities and collective unification on many levels has allowed our soul journey with Master Sha to grow with greater intensity and experiences of love, forgiveness, compassion, and light.  Charles and I are blessed by these souls.  We have greater awareness now how to support others whose children have gifts that is unspoken of in most circles.  What used to be scary is now common and supportive of the overall family.  Here’s our story. 

When Kuʻulei was around 10, she was failing in school.  At the beginning of the year, she would do well and then normally fall close to failing the entire grade at the end of the school year.  This was a pattern that was stressful on both of us. Thank God for gracious teachers and counselors who helped us work through the barriers she was suffering from.  This continued to high school for her.  What I didn’t know was Kuʻulei was dealing with something that she had no idea how to express to me or anyone else.  Kuʻulei was suffering with the ability to see with her third eye.  Because of her struggles in school I had her tested to see if she was having a physical issue that was prohibiting her progress.  However, she tested well and was considered having normal academic ability and nothing showed that would make anyone believe there was something to be concerned about.  She was perfectly fine, intelligent and loving child.  Although I was relieved she was ok, it didn’t solve the problem. 

The mystery was discovered upon meeting Master Pamela Uyeunten and then advanced student Diane Fujio, now Master Diane.  Diane requested my permission when she saw Kuʻulei walk into the doors of a workshop on Divine Healing Hands that I was attending with my husband Charles, Kuʻuleiʻs step father.   Diane immediately came to me and started unfolding Kuʻuleiʻs gift to me. Years before with the transitioning of her brother and grandfather, Kuʻulei never cried.  She would tell me that she saw them.  Upon hearing this, I accepted that her strong connection to both her brother and grandfather opened up the ability for her to speak to their soul when they were leaving this Earthly plain. In my culture, this is not unusual and accepted.  What was revealed to me years later with Diane is Kuʻuleiʻs third eye ability.

What is third eye ability?  The third eye is located in the pineal gland.  We all have the ability to use it.  In Kuʻuleiʻs case, her ability to see beyond her eyes was and still is quite advanced.  She is able to see images of issues that are arising depending upon what she is facing in the moment.  She is able to see fear, anger, transitioned souls, sickness in the body, and more.  What I didn’t know at the time was Kuʻulei was staying up all night because she was being visited by souls that had not crossed over.  This made her afraid to sleep.  She didn’t want to talk to me about it because I was busy working to support our family.  In her mind, she was protecting me.    Now I understood why she looked exhausted every morning!  This was a contributing factor to her failing grades in school, lazy nature or so I perceived, and mood swings.  Now we could focus more on solutions to support this gift and our relationship instead of getting upset, worried, or scared.  This was the beginning of our journey of raising this child and our youngest two with greater patience and understanding.  As a parent, it was easier said than done.  It was a road of great challenges, great purification, and great forgiveness.  Most of the dynamic energies that were there to push Kuʻulei into submission according to our societal norms have transformed.   I can say with all my heart that Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha, his Divine Channels, and his healers saved my family from incredible chaos.  Their love and attention, Divine Services, and continued blessings are what got our family through major testing. This road was not easy and I hope we can help other families and bring awareness so that you need not suffer from the pain of not knowing how to help your child and your family.  This is a gift and with the right people, you too will transform the condition into a loving and supportive gift.

The first thing to do is to connect with Master Shaʻs soul healers or me.  Master Shaʻs network of students is global.  You can utilize the chanting channel at or go to and connect with a Divine Channel.  This group has been an amazing support for our family.  The Divine Channels and Master Sha himself have been tremendous teachers with helping my children understand more fully their gift.  This gift is appreciated and developed so that they can continue to advance this gift but to also interpret with greater accuracy.  After all, it is not all about what you see but to connect to the actual message of what you’re seeing.  Connecting to the Divine and or your spiritual fathers and mothers is very important so that they can assist you on this journey.  Light, light, light is what you want to experience.  Kuʻulei had not experienced the great light, angels, saints, Buddha’s, Jesus, Mother Mary, and so many more holy ones until meeting the Divine Channels.  Now, she sees the light and continues to work with mentors to be of service to more people who need support.  This is a blessing for our family and for all those she assists.

Through Kuʻuleiʻs gift of sight, I have been allowed to see the beautiful images just beyond our mind that is here to serve us in every way we possibly can dream. I honor them and allow them to guide me to further serve others.  I’m here to serve you and support your soul journey.

Greatest love and light to you all,

Master Malia Davidson 

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Our Children, Our Life

Aloha and welcome to my blog,

My soul healing miracle journey started on Dec. 9, 2011 in Kahului, Maui when I was introduced to the practices and the person who would be my spiritual father for the rest of my lifetime.  Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha has blessed my family beyond words, beyond comprehension.  I don’t use this word "blessed" lightly, as anyone who enters Master Shaʻs frequency of love and light, instantly begins to transform the negative issues they may be suffering from at the moment.  The more one’s heart is open, the faster the transformation.  The blessings I’ve come to know are physical, mental, emotional, financial, and relationship blessings.  Sometimes the transformation is instant.  Others may take a few weeks or maybe even months.  However, from the depths of my soul, I understand more and more the special person I get to call my teacher.  

I’ve witnessed this incredible human being over the course of three years now.  He never, and I mean never, ceases to amaze me in one-way or another.  He’s like a proud parent when he watches his students accomplish what seems like an impossible task.  His smile permeates and warms hearts instantly.  You cannot help but love this person who can heal the sick and gives his undivided attention to people who are suffering.  Many a time lately, I see him tired from the countless hours he is working with people, teaching, and giving his every effort to save another life.  His humility is astounding.  His love for us, unmatched.  No matter what, he continues on, doing his best for the world. He does his best for each one of us regardless if we realize it or not.  Soul healing is never ending.  There is no space and time.  He is serving.  He is teaching thousands to heal and to serve to transform Mother Earth and all souls.  This IS his life’s mission.  This IS his life’s work now for the last 23 years.  WHO DOES THIS?  Unlike spiritual leaders who I’ve watched over the last several decades, Master Sha spends countless hours teaching and allowing everything to be documented.  Books are written, CDʻs are recorded, countless hours for us to have when he leaves.  

My blog is about "Our Children, Our Life."  So often the phrase, the children are our future arises.  For the most part, people understand it and believe it.   However, there are too many who don’t believe.  These are usually the people who make the decisions about many facets of our live that affect the outcome of the social, economic, and political conditions of our world.  This is not a complaint but a fact.  I think we forget what it is to be a child and in a time where there are so many distractions to keep us off balance, my husband and I choose to take a different route and connect our lives, our children to the Divine in a profound way as taught by Master Sha.  This is our story, our lessons, our understanding as we continue to purify, grow, and live this awareness, this standard of being in love with all and unconditionally serving.  

In August of this year, I was given the incredible honor of becoming one of Master Shaʻs Divine Channels and Worldwide Representatives.  This is an honor beyond my own wildest dreams but one my soul has accepted completely and willingly.  To be a Divine Channel means to be an absolute servant for humanity for the Divine and Tao. This also means going through just as many tests and purification times.  However, it is quite amazing to be in the presence of so many people that love you and work with you understanding that we all have an individualized soul journey and this journey means that sometimes, challenges occur.  As I’ve said in public, this Love, Peace, Harmony World Family that Master Sha has created Does NOT abandon you.  No matter what the issue, I’ve witnessed greatest love and compassion.  Someone, if not Master Sha himself, will bring blessings to wash away the pain and suffering not just for that moment but long term.  

My children have been exposed to a life of heart and possibilities.  They are in a place and time that their potential will come to listening to their soul, listening to the Divine, and allowing this ability to bring harmony and light to their lives.  Is their life going to be perfect in everyway?  One can hope that most of their life will be however, if it is not, they also have a clear understanding of the steps they need to take to resolve any challenges.  This brings greatest hope for the world when each child can find out their place to make and create love, peace, and harmony.  This is my hope for my children and this is what I hope to document for you so that you can discover some of the things that your family will be able to do to transform all aspects of your life.  

Love you, love you, love you!